"DANCE as though no one is watching you. LOVE as though you've never been hurt before. SING as though no one can hear you. And LIVE...as though Heaven is on Earth."
Friday, 27 March 2009
Meeting the AF7 students on Day One
A dedication to Adila AF7
Principal Tiara on Astro Awani's Gala TV
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
The Principal's Diaries! Week 1...
Gosh, it feels like it was only yesterday I said “yes” to Sooraj, next thing I know I was introduced as the new Principal of AF, and now we’re in week three. What a whirlwind.
Week one was about getting to know the faculty and students better, and getting used to the working system at AF as well as trying to formulate a system at the Akademi that works within the existing system.
This project presents itself with a whole new set of challenges for me, as this is the very first time I didn’t get to choose my team, unlike how I worked on PGL and P.Ramlee and all my other work as a producer through Enfiniti. I wasn’t present at auditions either so I didn’t have a say as to who I thought would make the mark. But challenges are what make life colourful, so I went for it.
Week One was a good start for us all. We talked about a common vision, and agreed upon what we needed to do to, to put that plan into action. We had 10 weeks to transform the AF kids into future icons and leaders of the industry. I enjoyed my brainstorm sessions with the faculty, who were very excited about working with a new system and trying out new teaching and learning methods. Most of all, I enjoyed hearing from the students. After my “7 syarat” presentation to them, I could see fire in their eyes and they were all geared up and ready to take the challenge.
Friday 13th March 2009:
Fast forward kepada full dress rehearsal Konsert pertama. Aris Kadir mengatur pergerakan mereka di atas pentas. Stylist Konsert minggu pertama, Shada Hamid, mengatur wardrobe dan memberi styling direction untuk rambut dan makeup. Concept Shada adalah untuk memperlihatkan mereka se-natural yang mungkin supaya personality masing-masing yang diperkenalkan kepada penonton. I dropped by konon-konon nak singgah untuk check out venue dan check out persiapan performance pelajar sekejap, but I ended up staying there all night with Aris.
Saturday 14th March 2009:
I hardly slept all last night. Rasa macam seorang ibu yang anaknya bakal jalani SPM besok paginya. I got my hair done at A Cut Above at 5pm, and did my makeup in the car on my way to Bukit Jalil.
I got to Dewan Bukit Jalil at 7pm and headed straight for the changing room. Everyone was ready, some were having final touch-ups, some were being taken for photo shoots for Majalah Aksi.
I asked for everyone to gather with Aris and me. I could imagine how nervous these kids must be underneath their calm appearances. Mestilah nervous kan, malam nilah pun yang dinanti-nantikan. It would get even crazier bila berdepan dengan penonton buat kali pertama atas pentas!
I got everyone to join hands in a circle, Aris and me included, and we performed a backstage ritual that we practice before every performance of PGL. This practice was introduced to PGL by Steve Rahman-Hughes and has kept us all tight as a team. What you do is, you “take” positive energy with your right hand as you breath in deeply, and you pass it on with your left as you breath out. Pelajar2 tu nampak betul2 bersemangat lepas ritual itu sebab deep breathing tu boleh menghilangkan tension dan at the same time you breath in all that is positive into you, which gives you good energy!
And finally, before they walked onstage, I taught them the war-cry I’ve used since the Kit Kat Klub days:
They answered, “AF7!!!!!”
“AF7-THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
That never fails to wake up sleepy vocals, gets the adrenalin pumping, lepas tu you will feel like you can take on the world. Bessssst.
The kids put on a fantastic first performance, ramai yang berkata ini konsert minggu pertama AF yang terbaik, dan kita dapat mengenali personaliti masing-masing. I was seated with the rest of my faculty, biting my nails throughout, trying to project as much positive energy as i could towards the stage every time any of the kids came on. Mudah-mudahan berhasil juga. Tamat je konsert tu, terasa "flat" sangat pasal throughout konsert tu I felt as excited as though I was the one performing onstage!
It's onwards and upwards from here on, no looking back!
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Sultanmuzaffar's blog - Dari Puteri Ke Pengetua
Isnin, Mac 09, 2009
Buat pertama kalinya dalam sejarah program realiti tersebut, seorang pelakon dipilih sebagai Pengetua. Pelakon itu merupakan pelakon utama yang memegang peranan sebagai Gusti Puteri dalam teater Puteri Gunung Ledang The Musical.
Antara filem yang dibintangi oleh Tiara ialah Irisan-Irisan Hati pada tahun 1988, bergandingan bersama Imuda dalam filem Mat Som pada tahun 1988, mencipta nama menerusi filem Ringgit Kasorga dan sebuah filem antarabangsa berjudul Beyond Rangoon pada tahun 1995 dan mencetuskan fenomena menerusi filem Puteri Gunung Ledang pada tahun 2004.
Tiara memenangi anugerah Pelakon Wanita Terbaik menerusi filem Ringgit Kasorga di Festival Filem Malaysia ke 12 dan anugerah Pelakon Wanita Terbaik menerusi filem Puteri Gunung Ledang di Festival Filem Asia Pasifik ke 50 yang berlangsung di Kuala Lumpur.
Pemilihan Tiara sebagai Pengetua merupakan antara transformasi yang dilakukan oleh Astro untuk memantapkan program realiti tersebut. Keberanian Astro mempertaruhkan nasib Akademi Fantasia wajar disokong. Saya melihat pembaharuan yang cuba dilakukan ini amat penting dalam industri muzik yang kian tenat. Kita harus melihat pemilihan ini secara positif. Pertama, pengiktirafan kepada seorang wanita dan kedua pemilihan seorang pelakon.
Dalam industri muzik yang kian tenat, tidak ramai di antara bekas pelajar Akademi Fantasia yang menjadi penyanyi. Hanya seorang dua sahaja yang berjaya sebagai penyanyi, selebihnya ada yang menjadi pelakon dan selebihnya juga hilang entah ke mana. Pemilihan Tiara sebagai Pengetua menguatkan lagi barisan tenaga pengajar untuk melatih pelajar selain menjadi penyanyi tetapi juga sebagai seorang pelakon. Kredibiliti Tiara dalam bidang lakonan tidak harus dipertikaikan, baik di layar perak mahu pun di pentas teater.
Elemen nyanyian perlu dikekalkan dalam Akademi Fantasia malah disuntik elemen teaterikal menjadikan persembahan pelajar lebih bermakna. Antara persembahan-persembahan pelajar yang masih saya ingati juga merupakan persembahan yang disuntik elemen teaterikal seperti contohnya persembahan lagu Memories oleh pelajar AF2 dan persembahan Sekuntum Mawar Merah oleh Sahri.
Selain daripada pemilihan seorang Pengetua wanita, Astro turut membuat perubahan dalam pasukan produksi yang hampir keseluruhannya adalah orang baru. Ini termasuk pemilihan bekas wartawan Malay Mail iaitu Joe Lee yang sebelum ini sering mengkritik program realiti tersebut. Khabarnya, pemilihan wartawan itu untuk memantapkan program Diari.
Kemasukan Hashridz Murshim atau lebih dikenali sebagai Acis sebagai Pengarah Muzik, pelakon Ida Nerina dan seorang koreografer baru iaitu A.Aris Kadir turut dilihat sebagai salah satu transformasi yang ingin disuntik dalam Akademi Fantasia musim ini. Jika selama ini penonton AF sudah biasa menonton aksi Linda Jasmine, kini penonton diberikan seorang koreografer lelaki. Selain mereka, Siti Hajar Ismail, Fatimah Abu Bakar dan Syafizawati Sharif turut bakal mencetuskan transformasi dalam Akademi Fantasia.
Tahniah Tiara !
Harian Metro Zon Abie: Beri peluang Tiara jalankan tugasnya

Zon Abie: Beri peluang Tiara jalankan tugasnya
Oleh Abie AbdullahRap |
ASSALAMUALAIKUM! Ramai di kalangan kita yang suka sangat berprasangka buruk, mudah menjatuhkan hukum dan skeptikal tak tentu pasal. Biarpun angin sekadar bertiup sepoi, lagak mereka bagaikan tukang ramal, menjangkakan ribut taufan pasti membadai. |
Pembuka bicara Zon Abie ini saya cuba sesuaikan dengan pemilihan Datin Seri Tiara Jacquelina sebagai Pengetua AF7 yang baru diumumkan Isnin lalu. Banyak kontradiksi timbul apabila ramalan tukang tilik tadi tidak mengena langsung, walau senipis kulit bawang.
Pelbagai pandangan timbul, kebetulan yang terpandang oleh saya banyak negatif. Baik di saluran @15 mahupun Internet yang menjadi tempat manusia melepas ketidakpuasan hati masing-masing dan tidak kurang juga cakap-cakap di kopitiam.
Dalam erti kata lain, mereka tak setuju dengan pelantikan itu. Mungkin mereka fikir, mereka lebih layak menentukan siapa yang layak duduk di kerusi Pengetua AF7. Perlu diingat juga yang Malaysia negara demokrasi, sesiapa saja boleh bersuara asalkan tidak tergolong dalam puak pelampau.
Belum sehari pengumuman pemilihan tonggak Puteri Gunung Ledang dilakukan Astro, sudah ramai menyatakan pandangan. Bagaikan ternanti-nanti untuk memberi komen dan saya percaya, kalau bukan nama Tiara yang naik sekalipun, komen tetap komen sebab ramai bijak pandai di luar sana.
Sebaik saja nama itu yang bakal mengetuai AF7, ramai yang meroyan kerana mereka tidak melihat perspektif positif. Sebenarnya yang meroyan dan meraban ini menggambarkan AF sememangnya mempunyai peminat dan pemerhati besar.
Bagaimanapun, komen itu seolah-olah tidak memberi ruang kepada Tiara untuk membuktikan kebolehannya. Belum sehari pun, mereka sudah mencemuh. Paling ramai mempertikaikan bakat nyanyian dan muzik Tiara yang kononnya tidak setara dengan beberapa calon Pengetua AF7 yang disebut-sebut sebelum ini.
Sesetengah mereka ada juga bertanyakan saya, siapa yang saya suka berada di kerusi itu? Jawapan saya - saya tidak ambil pusing pun hal itu kerana saya percaya Astro akan pilih yang terbaik untuk program terbitannya, itu yang pertama dan kedua 'mencungkil' bakat seni orang kita.
Selaku orang bercakap melalui tulisan ini, senang saja saya katakan. Kalau Aktres Terbaik Festival Filem Asia Pasifik ke-50 itu gagal melakukan tugasnya dengan baik, pasti ada kritikan panas dan andainya penyanyi Asmaradana itu berjaya melakukan transformasi, dia layak diberi pujian.
Seperti dimaklumkan di atas, selaku penerbit yang sudah enam tahun melangsungkan kepelbagaian gimik dan kejutan untuk penonton AF, Astro perlu lebih kreatif untuk mencari kelainan. Pun begitu, kelainan pastilah dibuat selaras dengan keperluan program itu sendiri.
Saya percaya, Astro takkan mahu 'membunuh AF7' melalui kelainan yang mereka cari. Jadi, sudah tentu pemilihan Tiara selain daripada kelainan untuk musim ini, Astro mempunyai percaturan sendiri untuk melihat AF7 semakin menarik daripada yang terdahulu. Insya-Allah!
Astro juga seperti penyiar lain yang mahu melahirkan bintang baru dari stesen masing-masing. Jenama itu perlu ada kerana era kini era mencari bakat, walaupun kita tahu bakat itu sendiri belum tahu ke mana destinasi masing-masing selepas tamat bergelar peserta realiti TV.
Berilah peluang kepada Tiara untuk bernafas. Yang penting, jangan musnahkan larva dalam kepompong yang sedang bergayut di ranting sebelum ia bertukar menjadi rama-rama cantik bakal terbang di halaman kita.
Saya percaya orang akan mengecop saya sebagai pro-Tiara. Terpulang, kerana saya tahu meletakkan posisi diri sebagai penulis.
Saya menyokong pelantikan Tiara selaku Pengetua AF7 biarpun ramai mempertikaikan dan cuba mengelirukan khalayak masyarakat akan kredibilitinya hanya kerana dia tidak mempunyai latar masa yang panjang sebagai penyanyi atau tidak memiliki vokal sehebat Datuk Siti Nurhaliza.
Tidak perlu saya melihat zaman KitKat Clubnya dulu, cukup dengan kesungguhannya membina filem Puteri Gunung Ledang sehingga naskhah itu semakin dihargai di Panggung Sari, Istana Budaya buat tiga musim serta P Ramlee The Musical selama dua musim.
Barangkali ada yang tidak setuju, pementasan ini menjadi ukuran, tetapi saya percaya kesungguhan Tiara dalam membuat apa saja, pasti ada tanda aras baru yang tercipta.
Bukan saja yang kita lihat di atas pentas, malah saya melihat daripada aspek pemasaran, publisiti dan belakang tabir. Tiara ada kesungguhan dan kreativiti itu yang menghalanya kepada kualiti.
Tidak perlu untuknya mempunyai trofi Anugerah Industri Muzik hanya untuk menjadi pengetua di akademi muzik kerana tidak semua komposer boleh menyanyi dengan baik, tidak semua pengkritik lagu tahu pasal muzik dan tidak semestinya pengulas filem mampu buat filem.
Bak kata Pengurus Kanan Astro Ria, Khairul Mizan Shagul: "Kalau ada yang tanya mengapa Tiara kerana dia bukan penyanyi, saya rasa dia juga ada banyak kelebihan."
Bagi saya, lebih penting adalah pengurusan pembentukan pelajar AF7 nanti sebagai artis yang benar-benar layak dipanggil artis dan berhala tuju.
Bukan bermakna lepasan AF sekarang tiada yang berjaya, cuma pandang sendiri berapa kerat yang menjadi penyanyi? Kalau nasib baik pun menjadi pelakon untuk teruskan survival sebagai artis dan selebihnya terpaksa akur dengan hakikat semasa yang memaksa mereka balik kampung.
Tujuh syarat diletakkan Tiara untuk menjadikan transformasi sebuah peralihan yang jitu. Bagaimanapun, kita merancang, Tuhan yang lebih tahu mana yang terbaik untuk kita.
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Utusan - Transformasi Tiara dalam AF7

Transformasi Tiara dalam AF7
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TRANSFORMASI Tiara Jacquelina dalam AF7 dijangka mampu memperkembangkan lagi bakat para peserta program TV realiti itu. |
SELAKU pengetua program televisyen (TV) realiti Akademi Fantasia musim ketujuh (AF7), Datin Seri Tiara Jacquelina mempunyai perancangan dan matlamatnya yang tersendiri.
Beliau misalnya, telah menggariskan beberapa hala tuju buat kalangan peserta program TV realiti itu bagi melahirkan bakat-bakat seni yang lebih berkaliber pada masa depan.
Menurut Tiara, dia cuba meletakkan tanda aras yang tinggi sebagai suatu transformasi untuk dicapai oleh para peserta AF7 sepanjang tempoh tiga bulan pengajian di akademi tersebut.
"Transformasi merupakan kata kunci saya dalam menerajui AF7. Saya faham tagline itu sesuatu yang berat. Kata orang alang-alang menyeluk pekasam biar sampai ke pangkal lengan.
"Sejak dulu, sebelum melakukan apa-apa projek saya selalu letakkan sesuatu tanda aras untuk dicapai. Begitu juga dalam AF7," katanya pada sidang media di Kuala Lumpur, baru-baru ini.
Majlis anjuran Astro Ria itu diadakan bagi mengumumkan pelantikan Tiara sebagai pengetua AF7 yang akan memulakan konsert minggu pertamanya pada 14 Mac ini.
Pengetua AF7 ini contohnya, menetapkan tujuh syarat yang harus ada di kalangan peserta akademi itu sebelum mampu menjadi penghibur yang disegani ramai.
"Seseorang peserta itu haruslah mempunyai bakat menyanyi yang luar biasa, mempunyai matlamat yang tinggi dan yakin untuk mencapai kecemerlangan tersebut.
"Pada masa sama, mereka juga haruslah berdedikasi dalam bidang ini, ada faktor 'x', fokus dalam usaha membentuk imej tersendiri selain sihat tubuh badan," ujarnya.
Pelakon dan penerbit teater muzikal Puteri Gunung Ledang ini menjelaskan transformasi dan hala tuju AF7 itu dalam suatu pembentangan ringkasnya pada majlis yang sama.
Jelas Tiara, kesemua faktor itu akan dititikberatkannya di kalangan pelajar AF7 supaya hasratnya untuk melahirkan bintang yang bergelar ikon menjadi kenyataan.
Ini kerana, kemunculan AF7 bukan sekadar meneruskan kesinambungan atau populariti program itu, sebaliknya ia bertujuan mencari bakat nyanyian yang berkualiti.
"Melalui AF kita bukan sekadar mahu melahirkan penyanyi kerana kita memang ada ramai penyanyi. Tetapi kalau boleh bukan setakat penyanyi tetapi juga seorang ikon.
"Kita mahu melahirkan penyanyi yang bukan setakat terbaik di Malaysia tetapi juga hingga ke persada dunia. Segala persiapan harus dilakukan termasuklah fasih berbahasa Inggeris.
"Kalau tidak macam mana mereka mahu berkomunikasi dengan orang luar kerana seseorang penyanyi itu akan mewakili negara yang diwakilinya," katanya.
Ketika ditanya tentang transformasi dan hala tuju musim baru AF itu, kata Tiara ia datang daripada cetusan inspirasi serta aspirasinya sendiri di mana ia dipersetujui oleh pihak Astro.
Astro Ria yang menyiarkan AF7 bakal menyaksikan banyak penekanan terhadap para peserta hasil idea, usaha dan komitmen padu Tiara bagi mencapai hasratnya itu.
"Saya lakukan semua ini semata-mata kerana impian saya ingin melihat kelahiran seorang bintang yang hebat. Impian dan pengalaman saya itu akan dikongsi bersama para pelajar AF7.
"Bagi saya ini suatu perjalanan seorang bintang baru yang bermula from zero (dari kosong) untuk menjadi seorang hero. Setiap peserta akan lalui transformasi ini dan ia bukannya mudah.
"Semuanya bermula daripada nobody (tidak terkenal) kepada somebody (terkenal) seperti yang telah dilalui oleh Mawi (juara AF3) contohnya. Ia suatu perjalanan yang sukar," jelasnya.
Kata Tiara, tawaran dan peluang menjadi Pengetua AF7 akan digunakan sepenuhnya bagi mencurahkan pengalamannya sebagai penyanyi dan pelakon kepada para peserta AF7.
Apatah lagi, beberapa hari sebelum menerima tawaran itu, beliau memang mempunyai perancangan untuk menubuhkan sebuah akademinya sendiri.
"Sebelum ini ada wartawan yang tanya saya, apakah yang akan saya lakukan selepas pementasan muzikal Puteri Gunung Ledang berakhir baru-baru ini.
"Saya kata, saya mahu tubuhkan sebuah akademi seni sendiri. Mungkin pembabitan saya dalam AF7 suatu kebetulan. Ini adalah masa yang tepat untuk saya mencurahkan komitmen saya," katanya.
Biarpun mempunyai tanda aras yang tinggi menerusi transformasi itu, namun ibu kepada dua anak ini yakin ia tidak mustahil dicapai asalkan ada kesungguhan di kalangan peserta AF7.
Tambah Tiara, kesungguhan serta kesukaran pasti ditempuhi oleh mana-mana penyanyi sebelum muncul sebagai penyanyi yang berkaliber dan mampu menerjah hingga ke persada dunia.
"Saya tahu jalan menuju puncak ini penuh liku tapi ia tidak mustahil untuk dicapai biarpun dalam masa tiga bulan pengajian di akademi ini (AF). Apa yang penting ialah semangat para pelajar.
"Kalau mereka tidak yakin dengan bakat dan diri mereka sendiri kita pun susah untuk membimbing mereka. Mereka haruslah berani untuk ditransformasikan," ujarnya.
Pengetua wanita pertama
Selain transformasi buat pelajar AF7, Tiara tidak menganggap sebagai suatu kelainan apabila dia muncul sebagai Pengetua wanita pertama akademi itu selepas enam musim berlangsung.
Sebelum ini posisi Pengetua AF disandang oleh kalangan lelaki iaitu Freddie Fernandez (AF1), Ramli MS (AF2 dan AF6), M. Nasir (AF3), Ramli Sarip (AF4) dan Roslan Aziz (AF5).
Sementara itu, Pengurus Saluran Astro Ria, Khairul Mizan Shagul berkata, pemilihan Tiara sebagai Pengetua AF7 telah dilakukan selepas perbincangan selama lima bulan.
Dalam tempoh waktu itu, pelbagai nama telah dicadangkan termasuklah oleh media massa bagi memilih calon-calon yang sesuai dan mempunyai kelayakan menggalas tanggungjawab tersebut.
"Antara kriteria pemilihan Pengetua AF ialah pengalaman seseorang calon dan komitmen yang sanggup diberikan kepada program ini. Kami ambil masa berbincang dengan semua pihak di Astro.
"Sebelum ini kami ada enam calon tetapi ini adalah rezeki Tiara. Kalau ada yang tanya mengapa Tiara kerana dia bukan penyanyi, saya rasa dia juga ada banyak kelebihan.
"Tiara berpengalaman luas dalam bidang persembahan pentas. Kami yakin dengan kemampuannya ," kata Khairul Mizan.
Empat belas peserta yang akan bersaing bagi merebut juara AF7 ialah Yazid, Aril, Qhaud, Sidi, Obri, Hafiz, Akim, Rubisa, Claudia, Adila, Aishah, Zizi, Rini serta Isma.

Tiara’s turn
Tiara’s latest challenge is to educate AF7’s students/contestants. |
New Akademi Fantasia principal Datin Seri Tiara Jacquelina aims to transform this year’s contestants into bankable names in showbusiness, writes DENNIS CHUA.
THE Transformasi (Transformation) tag line that accompanies the seventh season of popular Astro reality talent show Akademi Fantasia (AF7) rang loud and clear as the station picked Datin Seri Tiara Jacquelina as its first female principal earlier this week.
Multi-talented Tiara is one of the most bankable names in showbusiness with an illustrious two-decade career and a reputation for perfectionism.
A dancer, film and theatre actor, singer, director and producer, Tiara recently wrapped up the third season of Puteri Gunung Ledang — The Musical where she played the mystical princess for the last time.
She was one of two “leading ladies” widely predicted as AF7 principal. The other was pop/R&B queen Datuk Sheila Majid whose husband Hashridz Murshim Hassim (Acis) was earlier picked the academic team’s music director.
As the sixth person to helm the “hot seat” of the country’s top-rated reality talent show (second season principal Ramli MS returned in the sixth season last year), Tiara will have under her charge seven male and seven female students-cum-contestants, and 10 weeks to groom them into artistes or television personalities (depending on where their talents lie).
Tiara will be assisted by Acis, Ida Nerina as acting and performance instructor, A. Aris Kadir as choreography instructor, Siti Hajar Ismail and Syafizawati Sharif as vocal coaches, and Fatimah Abu Bakar as motivational and English language coach.
Tiara and her team will mentor the wannabe entertainers at an undisclosed “academy” where, under the daily surveillance of Astro’s cameras for the Diari AF7 programme, they will learn the ropes of showbusiness.
Unlike previous years, AF7 has invited “starlets” as contestants.
Nas Adila Mohd Dan, 23, of Johor Baru, is the most prominent, having been a regular on the small screen and in various concerts for the past five years.
Another is TV3 talent search My Starz LG’s first season’s finalist Rubisa Tiasin, 23, of Kota Marudu in Kudat, Sabah.
Kajang lass Zuzafrini “Rini” Zulkifli, 25, once sang traditional Malay pop and nasyid with her twin Zuzafrina or Rina, while the oldest contestant, 30-year-old mother-of-five and part-time singer Ismaliza Ismail of Rembau, is the elder sister of New Boyz lead singer and One In A Million Season 3 (OIAM3) hopeful Shah Indrawan “Tomok” Ismail.
Among the boys, Khairil Azam Pilus from Malacca has an entertainer in the family.
His brother Izwan Pilus is a former Bintang RTM winner, host and recording artiste.
The other contestants are Zizi Tahil, 24, of Semporna, Sabah; Sarawakians Aishah Bujang, 18, Claudia Geres, 24, and Hafiz Suip, 19, of Kuching; Hakim Ahmad, 18, Sobri Hasmuni, 24, and Yazid Ibrahim, 22, of Johor Baru; Qhaud Rashid, 25, of Kajang; and Rashidi Isa, 27, of Ipoh.
AF7 was also open to Singaporeans. However, the response was poor.
The move of inviting the 40 to 45 age group, which began with the entry of grandmother Hairina Abdul Halim last year, has also failed to make an impact.
Johor (which produced pop phenomenon Mawi) and Sabah, which have traditionally sent the most contestants, have lived up to expectations, although there has been a steady decline of Sabahans since last year.
For the first time, Sabah’s largest ethnic community, the Kadazandusuns, is without a representative.
This community monopolised the runner-up spot from seasons two to five and produced its first champion in OIAM2 reject Stacy Anam last year.
Sarawak, which produced vocal powerhouse Yusrizan ‘Bob’ Usop in AF2, is back with more representatives this year, having sent only one student a year since 2006.
The Sarawakian students include “supermum” Geres, the OAG-loving Hafiz and the contest’s “baby girl” Aishah, who counts AF3 singer-songwriter Amylea Azizan and Dayang Nurfaizah as her role models.
Since Penangite Mila Jirin emerged as AF’s first female winner two seasons ago, “girl power” has been on the rise. With the presence of the relatively experienced Nas Adila, Rini, Rubisa and Ismaliza, a third female champion may be on the cards.
However, one cannot dismiss the male half, and the fact that most Short Messaging Service (SMS) voters who determine the champion are women.
Of the “boys”, Qhaud and Khairil stand out for their melodious voices, with Qhaud tagged by fans as “Mawi’s successor”.
But being compared to Mawi is more a curse than a blessing. AF4 champion Faizal Ramly and AF5 Mawi look-alike Aswad Jaafar were compared to the “SMS king” but today are singing back-up for singer-cum-actress Heliza Helmi of Syurga Cinta fame.
As for the show’s resident judges, Astro has yet to confirm if hard-hitting Fauziah ‘Ogy’ Ahmad Daud, Adlin Aman Ramlie (also from Puteri Gunung Ledang) and Hattan will reprise their roles.
The trio made a formidable team in AF5, and Hattan’s sixth season replacement Ning Baizura (now OIAM3 vocal instructor) was also commendable.
There has also been talk that Mawi and ex-AF2 contestant Fitri Zainal Abidin might be roped in to advise the contestants, especially Fitri who is a fashion designer, Project Runway Malaysia finalist and wardrobe consultant to the station.
The contestants will perform in weekly elimination concerts at 9pm on Saturdays, beginning this Saturday, with the contestant obtaining the lowest number of SMS votes from viewers being eliminated.
The concerts on Astro Ria are hosted by comedian AC Mizal, while the weekly AF diaries shows Diari AF, Diari Ext AF7 and Diari Int AF7 are hosted by actress and television personality Sarimah Ibrahim.
Diari AF7 is at 9pm from Mondays to Fridays while Diari Ext AF7 is at 10pm on Fridays and Diari Int AF7 is at 9pm on Sundays.
Big AF7 plans from a ’princess’
DATIN Seri Tiara Jacquelina’s latest challenge is to educate AF7’s 14 students/contestants, and she is determined to transform them from “zeroes to heroes”.
“It’s a monumental task and I’m ready to bring about a transformation to AF, a show which I have followed keenly from Day One,” said Tiara.
“My team and I are going all out to do the impossible and make AF7 the best AF ever.”
Tiara said she was determined to see AF7 produce “entertainment icons” who are capable of going global and taking Malaysian showbusiness to greater heights.
“We in the academic team have outlined several criteria for the participants. They must be outstanding singers and all-round performers; brave, confident, speak well in English, resilient, disciplined, professional, well-packaged, well-groomed and in the pink of health,” she said.
On her role as the first female principal, she said there was “nothing a man can do that a woman cannot”.
“In fact, I will strive to do even better,” she said.
While one or more students would be eliminated at the end of every weekly concert, Tiara said their journey “does not end there”.
“We will make every student soak up as much as he or she can in the academy’s daily lessons. The knowledge they gain during their stay in the academy will be a stepping stone to greater success.”
“Entertainment and music unite, for they are colour-blind and universal, and make us stronger than ever. That’s why shows like AF are always good for Malaysians,” she said.
Dear Datin Sri Tiara,
My name is Fatin Farhanah bt Mohd Hanif (Hanah) 21, studying Diploma in Mass Communication in KDU. I was made to understand from Amhari that this is the best way to get an interview since you just came back from overseas and having a hectic schedule.
I feel very honuored to get this interview. Attach is the interview questions for my Feature Story Assignment for "News Writing & Reporting for Print Media" class. My lecturer's name is Rubin Khoo. I think you might know him. He used to write for The Star now he's got his own magazine - August.
I will be absolutely delighted if I can get a photo of you from your reply for my interview and better still if I can meet you at a point just for 30 seconds to have a photo with you - if time permits by Thursday.
My syabas to Datin Sri for a great theatre. Thank you for allowing me to have this interview. I am so proud to have an ex-KDU student at such heights. My best wishes to you.
Thanks heaps & Salam,
1. Datin Sri, you once studied in KDU. Did you enjoy your time studying there and what did you remember most about KDU and the surrounding area?
I liked the fact that it was a potpourri of different cultures at KDU. We had kids from all over the country as well as international students, so it was a nice "world community" feeling back then. I thrive in surroundings like this and every day was an interesting discovery for me!
2. At the time you were in KDU, did you think that you'd be in the theatre world and making it this far?
I was already very ambitious even back then, and had started my first venture as an entrepreneur whilst I was at KDU. I set up one of the first talent casting agencies in Malaysia, and discovered talents like Sofia Jane, Maria Faridah, even Meer Habib, as well as many others, during this time. I was also very active in the concerts and plays and pageants-performing, choreographing, directing, producing... and i would give everything a go for sure. I hadn't any clue it would take me this far but that was where I dreamed my first dreams!
3. You must have had some mixed feelings on the last day of PGL 3 recently. How did you feel exactly the moment the final curtain call of the 3rd season of the PGL the Musical was called?
It was the most painful moment of my life, like having to amputate a part of me! What made it a beautiful and memorable experience for me was the love from the audience who was there that night to join me on my final moment up the mountain, that, I will never forget.
4. How would you describe the development and standard of Performing Arts as a whole in this country?
My honest opinion is that we have a lot to catch up on, compared to our other Asian counterparts. That's a fact we all have to wake up to, and face up to, before we can go any further. I'm really excited by the opportunity presented to me to head Akademi Fantasia in their quest for a "transformation" in season 7 because I have an opportunity to hopefully change the mindset of not only the AF7 students but the thinking of the movers and shakers in the Malaysian entertainment industry and the millions of TV viewers who tune in every night tp watch AF. We need to get out of a "GOOD ENOUGH FOR MALAYSIA" mentality and think of COMPETING WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD. This is the only way Malaysia will ever be relevant, for people to take any notice of us. We need to hit like a TIDAL WAVE to make any sort of impact and to tell the world we even exist.
5. What would you advise youngsters or anyone for that matter who has the interest and passion for Performing Arts?
Always start with a Big Hairy Audacious Goal! I set very high, almost ridiculous goals for myself every time I venture into something new, and people who work with me know this. Its the only way you can ever achieve something beyond what's available in the market, and way beyond anything you would have been able to achieve in the past. We have to get OUT of a "mediocre" mode - like the Malay saying goes, "Mati Segan, Hidup Tak Mahu". We can't afford to be an "also ran" in any competition - Malaysia must start to be recognised for producing ICONS - we need more Lee Chong Weis and Nicol Davids so people KNOW that Malaysia is a force to be reckoned with and we're here to play, and here to stay. Your mantra should be, stop at nothing to make that goal happen. Once you're there, keep working hard to continuously stay on top of your game, stay relevant, current, stay determined and most of all, stay focused.
6. Datin Sri, you seem to have reached milestones that very very few have achieved. Nevertheless, where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
I hope to have set up a Performing Arts Academy of my own, where all the best talents and icons in our country will graduate from. My graduates will be industry leaders, movers and shakers, and will make waves on the world stage. How's that for a hairy scary goal?
7. I understand that you lead a very positive and balanced life. What are your latest indulgences and hobby during your free time?
I spend a lot of my free time with my kids, and we discuss everything from how to make paper guns to the latest transformers to the latest pop songs and movies. We travel a lot together, watch movies, paint, indulge in sports like tennis, horse-riding, golf, cycling. I learn so much about life through the innocent eyes and hearts of my kids.
8. You come from a background of experiencing various cultures. What's your favourite food and how does this relate to your cafe in Sunway?
well, I think I AM one of the best living examples of someone whose own BACKGROUND is a mixture of various cultures, so my list of favorite food probably reflects this - from Laksa Sarawak to Laksam to Chilli Crabs to a Nyonya dish caled Joo Hoo Char... The first thing i did when i set up BORNEO RAINFOREST @ SUNWAY is to make sure I could share all my favorite dishes with everyone. Everyone else who loves yummy food and want to have a good time in a fun, relaxed surrounding, that is. Good food, good live music, under the stars... how's that for a sell? Ha Ha.
9. As a very busy person, you must have a favourite location to chill. Where do you think is the best hang out place?
What would you think my answer would be? Ha ha. When I want to relax and "let my hair down", I love watching the live band pay at Borneo Rainforest. Nothing like live music to lift your spirits. That's my idea of a great chill out.
10. Many people say that you have brought theatre to new heights and some already say you are an icon. If you could say anything, to anyone out there, what would it be?
It's never easy trying to be the one to raise the bar in any industry, you will face resistance from people who are used to doing things a cerain way for donkeys years, as well as the skeptics who watch from the stands and make all sorts of very senseless comments, people who and have never spent a day on the field themselves. But I've learnt that hard work and dedication pays off, and I've learned that things can only change if you have strong leadership and if you have a definite war-plan and a motivated team. Nothing is impossible and impossible is nothing.
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Malay Mail - Tiara to do it better in AF7

No stranger to Malaysia’s entertainment industry, Tiara has acted, sung, hosted as well as produced many mega projects and is undoubtedly capable of shouldering her responsibility as the
new principal for the reality TV show.
Breaking the tradition of male principals throughout the years, Tiara has definitely proven that she fits the bill well to lead and groom the contestants into becoming the best of talents.
“I am very thrilled to become the new principal for AF. I have been a fan of the show since the first season was aired. Although I am promoting a few changes in the latest season of the show, it’s great to be here and I am so excited to share first-hand knowledge with them personally,” gushed Tiara.
Asked what she loves most about the show, Tiara revealed: “The idea of exposing a journey of a zero to hero really draws my attention. It isn’t exactly easy to groom a person into becoming
a star. Some take years but we are only given three months. This is a great opportunity and I am ready for this.”
Tiara revealed that she had already recommended some major changes to be made at the academy and was definitely up to the challenge as the promotional catchphrase of season seven is “The Touch of Transformation has Begun”.
“To me, transformation means new breath, dare to try something new, up for the challenge and ready for change.
With all the qualities I have mentioned, we could give birth to world class entertainers.
“I believe it’s about time for us to produce local entertainers with these kinds of qualities.
That’s how the new catchphrase came by. If the goal is there but the confidence is not, a dream
could never be turned into a reality,” she said.
However, with great responsibility, comes great work. Although Tiara thinks that it is possible to produce world class entertainers within the country, the star does not deny the fact that it is going to be a challenging journey.
“I believe it’s going to be hard and there will be a lot of unforeseen circumstances ahead but I beg to differ that this is just another season of AF. I am here to make sure that we are going to deliver the very best, the most memorable season of AF ever.
“We do not want to produce just another entertainer; we want to produce icons. I will give my 1,000 per cent,” said Tiara.
“We’re not here to create a ripple, we’re here to create a tidal wave.”
Murai.com - Tiara Jacquelina sah Pengetua AF7

Teks oleh Ellyna Ali
KUALA LUMPUR, 9 MAC 2008: Transformasi telah bermula. Program realiti TV paling popular, Akademi Fantasia 7 (AF7), mencetuskan transformasi dan kejutan apabila melantik pelakon, penyanyi serta produser Datin Seri Tiara Jacquelina sebagai pengetua bagi musim ini.
Pengumuman ini dibuat oleh Astro di Jalan Dungun, Damansara, malam tadi menerusi program Diari AF7.
Perubahan itu menonjolkan satu kelainan drastik kerana sepanjang penerbitan AF, belum pernah pengetua wanita dilantik untuk mengemudikannya. Ia turut mengakhiri spekulasi siapa pengetua AF7 selama ini selepas tenaga pengajar dan barisan pelajarnya diumumkan lebih awal.
Di kalangan peminat hiburan, Tiara dikenali sebagai pelakon, penyanyi, produser dan usahawan. Beliau mula aktif dalam lakonan sejak 1980-an. Kemuncak pencapaian beliau ada berlakon dan menerbitkan filem serta teater muzikal Puteri Gunung Ledang (PGLM). Selain itu beliau juga menerbitkan teater Muzikal P Ramlee dengan jayanya.
Tiara yang baru kembali dari mengerjakan umrah di Tanah Suci Makkah selepas selesai PGLM musim ke-3 ternyata gembira dengan perlantikan itu dan berazam membimbing pelajar AF7 ke tahap cemerlang. Antara artis terkenal yang pernah digilap oleh Tiara di bawah agensinya Kit Kat Klub adalah Sofia Jane, Aida Rahim, Maria Farida dan Jay KOOL.
Tiara juga pernah merakamkan single Asmaradana ketika filem PGL ditayangkan. Hujung tahun lalu, Tiara melanjutkan pengajian di sebuah universiti di Tasmania, Australia dalam bidang seni persembahan dan vokal.
Dalam Diari AF pertama yang ke udara hari ini, Tiara tampil memperkenalkan diri beliau dan membuat sesi suai kenal dengan kesemua 14 pelajar. Tiara juga memberikan taklimat kepada semua pelajar tentang misi serta perjuangan mereka dalam AF7 dan mahu AF7 menjadi program yang realiti terbaik dalam sejarah penganjurannya.
Harian Metro-Kejutan besar AF7
Kejutan besar AF7
KUALA LUMPUR: Rancangan realiti tv terbitan Astro Ria, Akademi Fantasia musim ketujuh (AF7), bermula dengan kejutan ‘besar’ apabila pertama kali melantik pengetua wanita iaitu penerbit dan pelakon utama teater Puteri Gunung Ledang (PGL), Datin Seri Tiara Jacquelina.
Pengumuman itu dibuat menerusi rancangan Diari AF7 yang pertama kali disiarkan dan diikuti sidang akhbar khas di Damansara di sini, semalam.
Sebelum pengumuman dibuat pihak penerbitan AF7 masih cuba berteka-teki dengan wakil media yang hadir apabila turut menjemput Pengarah Muzik, Hashridz (Acis) Murshim Hassim suami kepada penyanyi, Datuk Sheila Majid hadir ke majlis diadakan. Sheila sebelum ini dikatakan bakal memegang jawatan penting dalam rancangan itu.
Sewaktu ditemui, Tiara menjelaskan dia menerima tawaran itu daripada produksi Astro beberapa minggu lalu.
“Saya mengikuti rancangan Akademi Fantasia sejak musim pertama dan apa yang menarik perhatian saya untuk menyandang jawatan pengetua adalah tema yang digunakan tahun ini iaitu ‘transformasi’. Melihat dari sudut itu saya memikirkan banyak perkara boleh dilakukan terutama kepada pelajar terpilih.
“Misi saya untuk menjadikan mereka penghibur terbaik bukan saja di sini, tetapi ke peringkat antarabangsa. Kerana itu penggunaan bahasa Inggeris turut diberikan penekanan kepada pelajar musim ini,” katanya.
Pengurus Saluran Astro Ria, Khairul Mizan Shagul, pada majlis sidang akhbar itu menjelaskan pihaknya membuat tawaran kepada hampir semua nama yang disebut pihak media untuk menjadi pengetua.
Antara mereka yang disebut bakal menjawat jawatan itu selain Sheila, seperti penghibur bertaraf antarabangsa, Anita Sarawak, Aznil Nawawi, dan beberapa nama komposer berpengalaman tanah air.
“Proses pemilihan jawatan pengetua sebenarnya dibuat hampir lima bulan lalu dan banyak nama disenaraikan. Boleh dikatakan semua nama yang disebut pihak media sebelum ini turut kami temui,” katanya.
Kosmo-Sah Tiara Pengetua AF7!
Sah Tiara Pengetua AF7

KUALA LUMPUR - Program realiti popular Akademi Fantasia (AF) mendapat pengetua wanita pertama apabila Datin Seri Tiara Jacquelina diberi tanggungjawab itu untuk musim ke-7 program itu yang bermula malam tadi.
Ini sekali gus mengesahkan ramalan Kosmo! baru-baru ini yang melaporkan pelakon itu disebut-sebut sebagai pengetua AF7.
Pengetua-pengetua AF sebelum ini ialah Freddie Fernandez untuk AF musim pertama, Ramli M.S (AF2 dan AF6), M. Nasir (AF3), Ramli Sarip (AF4) dan Roslan Aziz (AF5).

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Pemilihan itu telah diumumkan menerusi program Diari AF7 episod pertama malam tadi di saluran Astro Ria.
Pemilihan Tiara menjawab desas-desus beberapa nama seperti Norman Abdul Halim, Anita Sarawak, Ramli MS, Aznil Nawawi, Farihin Abd. Fatah, Datuk Ahmad Nawab serta Datuk Sheila Majid yang dikatakan bakal menduduki struktur tertinggi organisasi AF itu.
Beliau akan bergabung tenaga dengan barisan pengajar termasuk A. Aris A. Kadir (Guru Koreografi), Ida Nerina (Guru Seni Persembahan dan Lakonan), Hashridz Murshim Hassim atau Acis (Pengarah Muzik), Siti Hajar Ismail (Guru Vokal Teknikal), Syafizawati Sharif (Guru Persembahan Vokal) dan Fatimah Abu Bakar (Guru Motivasi dan Bahasa Inggeris).
Senarai pelajar AF7 pula telah diumumkan menerusi program Tirai Akademi Fantasia 7, malam Ahad lalu.
My TRANSFORMASI from Puteri to Principal!
I had a great start on my first day at the Academy. Met the faculty for the first time, met the kids, and I kicked off with a Keynote presentation off the vision and mission statement I had in mind. I decided that the best way to start this journey together would be to make sure we had a definite PLAN first and foremost, with a definite target and goal, and that we are always on the same page.
I watched their faces for reactions as i presented my case. I got several gaping mouths at first, a few blank stares too, probably because AF never used lingo like MISSION STATEMENT or VISION in their teaching text before, but by the end of the third slide, i knew they had got it and when i asked them "ARE YOU WITH ME?" I got the most enthusiastic "YES!!!!" I ever heard in the history of AF!
At the end of the session, energy was high, I could see fire in everyone's eyes and in their voices, students and faculty alike, and i could sense that the transformation had already begun.
For the record, I thought I'd share on my blog, a few of the main slides i shared with the students yesterday, so you have an idea WHAT THE TRANSFORMATION WILL BE ABOUT.
I look forward to this new project with more enthusiasm than ever. It's gonna be a huge challenge because it's the first time I've entered a project where the framework has been set, people are in place and I don't have my usual team on board. I take this as the ultimate test for me, to see if I can successfully translate my thoughts and way of working to a new team. Hopefully i will be able to "infect" them and we will be able to take AF7 to heights never scaled before - wish me luck!